About NBLW

Our beginning, our vision, and our future

The Vision

Nerdy Bird Legacy Writing will help preserve life's memories through empowering class instructional opportunities and retreats, author coaching, and proxy writing services. We will also seek to support authors to promote their creativity and financial sustainability.

The Mission

To preserve life's stories through the written word.

What are we about?

Helping you preserve stories and memories of family and friends FOR family and friends for generations to come.

Our Story




-Bryan Michael Hughes

Founder NBLW and Author

When founder Bryan Hughes faced a crossroads through personally challenging life circumstances, Nerdy Bird Legacy Writing began to hatch. Beginning as a way to record family stories that were fading from memory, his writing expanded to full length fiction. While penning his first novel, Bryan lost his father to a terminal disease. Fortunately, he had interviewed his parents about their collective lives together. Time would not steal those memories and experiences. Having written his own memoir and now that of his father, he saw the importance of them for himself and others. Just a few years later, Bryan lost a close friend. Just days before his passing, this friend encouraged him to help others preserve family legacy just as he had for his own.

Nerdy Bird Legacy Writing officially began in 2024. Offering group class instruction, author coaching, and proxy writing services, this passionate company now offers you the opportunity that the founder realized...letting memories live on.

Leave your legacy by preserving your story in words. Honor a loved one who has passed on with the story of their life. Allow words to bring you peace and comfort in challenges or while mourning. Finally, pass on the lessons of life to a budding generation who needs them now more than ever.

Why are we here?

Meet the Founder

Bryan Michael Hughes

For those who REALLY want to know more of the story

"Creative" describes Bryan Michael Hughes. Beginning as a musician, he honed his storytelling skills on stage with the spoken word, eventually touring extensively as an acapella musician.

Always interested in the written word, he did not develop those skills until tripping into a creative writing class his senior year of college. It was then a retiring professor graciously chose to take him on as a project.

Years would pass. Bryan would chase professional endeavors at varying degrees of success and failure. From teaching and sales to preaching and counseling. He was a professional musician, and owned several boring businesses. Yet , during these times, he paid attention to the stories that happened around him. Looking back, each experience led him to the life he enjoys today as an author.

But how did it start with that professor? He shares his recollection of that moment.

Professor “I’m Just Biding My Time” handed back my first assignment. It prominently displayed a red felt tip emblazoned D+ in the top right corner of the creation that I had once been so proud of…and a note, “See me.”

‘See me?’ Isn’t that for elementary school students?’

The words pounded from inside my head. 'See me?, you have got to be kidding. I approached his desk anyway. He took an annoying amount of time to acknowledge me standing there but eventually turned his judgy eyes upward. Peering over the top of his glasses, there was no joy within that I could see. It was clear that he recognized me, but pursing his lips and squinting, he feigned not knowing who I was at first.


His tone was condescending as he spit my name into the air. He flipped through his handwritten grade book and paused for the maximum impact.

“Ah, yes. Hughes. I remember now.”

Looking over his glasses again, he cleared his throat and said with confidence, “Terrible technique.”

He then sighed, mustering energy from some long-forgotten moment when he still cared about his chosen profession.

“But the imagination is good.”

Not knowing exactly what to say and pissed about my grade, I only managed to nod, albeit defiantly.

It was though I could hear his thoughts. ‘I’m too old to take on another one.’ Yet, he reached out anyway.

“You wanna learn how to be a great writer?”

“I guess.”

“Not good enough. Have a seat Mister Hughes.”

I did. Then I left.

What happened over the next two days was surprising. I couldn’t stop thinking about his question and my wishy-washy response.

Arriving early to the next session, I confidently walked up to the professor’s desk again, this time without an invitation.

As though the question was just asked, I shouted, “Yes!”

He looked at me, confused at first.

“Excuse me?”

“Yes, professor. I want to be a great writer.”

His features compressed into a look of hesitating doubt.

“You sure?”

With a sudden realization of what my stated commitment might mean, I breathed in deeply to garner courage.

“Yes, sir.”

Leaning back in the worn and creaky office chair, he removed his readers and studied my face for a beat.

“I can help you with that.”

Not Good Enough

by Bryan Michael Hughes

From one pivotal moment to another, he soon learned that his grandfather had published poetry and short stories in Reader's Digest. Now part of an unexpected legacy, the knowledge spurred him onto more interest in being an author.

In 2018, Bryan faced a serious battle with mental health (details shared in his memoir Words Matter). A moment in time that could have ended his own story. Instead, it started a chapter of life altering self-discovery.

“Finding what I was meant to do through learning who I truly am is more fulfilling than I can explain. The lessons of pain and self-doubt eventually brought me peace, confidence, and direction. I now try to embody passion, love for others, and a gratefulness to be alive every single day.” -Bryan Michael Hughes

With his unique and unusual journey in life, Bryan hopes to help bring your passions to the forefront through Nerdy Bird Legacy Writing. Why?

YOUR words matter.